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Public Engagement


For Employers


GRADnet Summer School PGRs get the measure of NPL!

GRADnet Summer School PGRs get the measure of NPL!

5 Jul 2019



The fifth GRADnet Summer School took place on 1-4 July 2019 at the National Physical Laboratory in Teddington, Middlesex.� Thank you to NPL because this is the third time they have hosted this event and offered laboratory tours, water rockets and a BBQ with the wonderful backdrop of Bushy Park.

40 postgraduate researchers signed up to this year's school which provided an opportunity to experience some wide-ranging opportunities outside academia and to interact with employers from a variety of organisations.

A Sussex student said it was a "fantastic school, very well organised" and that they found "pretty much everything very useful". The most valuable thing they took away from the school is that "academia is not the only way to do science and a job in industry doesn't have to be a "fall-back".

Thank you to all our speakers and employers who provided talks, workshops and consultancy challenges: NPL, University of Sussex, WP Thompson, IOP Teaching, Santander, Ultra Electronics, GlaxoSmithKlein, RBA Acoustics, UKAEA, Adaptix Ltd, BlueOptima and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.